About Us

Hi, We’re Hender Studio.

An architecture & design company based in New York. That’s about it.

/Mrs.Lara CEO

Introduce Video

Welcome to our progress video to more understand about us. It summarizes some core values and activities in recent time.


Interior Expertise

Team members will work hard to bring an original product. We prepare carefully the plan to get the demanded website.

Free Consultation

If you want to us consultation from the types of website, please contact with us, they are ready to consult free for you.

Awards Winning

We are proud of what we have done by some awards winning from the results, which is created by the trying process.

Guaranteed Works

Actually, after our customers buy Website, they will be guaranteed so you should buy the 6 months included support.

Reasonable Price

With a good quality of website, Zookastudio also provides the theme for customers with a reasonable price.

24/7 Supports

Welcome to clients send their questions to us then we are ready to respond all of it every time with 24/7 support program.

10 Ways to Live in Harmony
With Housemates

Our team

We are dedicated staffs who work efficiently and professionally to bring you such a blazing and friendly WordPress. Our long – term working experience effectively brings us achievement.

Happy Clients Says

Hender : 10 Ways to Live in Harmony With Housemates